Tuesday, May 8, 2018

My Role Model

Who's Your Role Model?

        Most everyone has a role model in their life. They could be a parent, a friend, a teacher, or a sports hero. They could be the D.A.R.E officer who works in your school. He could be someone you read about in a book.
A role model is hard to define, because it can be different for everyone. Who your role model is depends as much on you as it does on the person you admire. Often, it is someone you would like to be like when you get older, or someone who does something you find hard to do.
They might be somebody who performs outstanding volunteer work. They might be a community leader. They might be your mentor. Maybe they are generous and kind. Maybe they performed an extraordinary feat or accomplishment. They might be someone in your neighborhood, or someone in another country.
Typically, a role model is brave, smart, strong, kind, thoughtful and fun. Not that every role model is perfect. Unless it is someone out of a storybook, role models are people who might be outstanding in only one or two areas. Or maybe it is someone who is far less than perfect, but is working to improve himself or herself.

  1. Choose a role model you know to help you become the best version of yourself.A role model that you know can help you to mature and grow as a person. They can give guidance and advice and offer real-world examples of how to achieve your best.
  2. Build your confidence. As you start to consider how you can choose a role model, try to develop faith in yourself as a person. The goal of choosing a role model is to motivate you to become a better person. You must have confidence in yourself and your abilities to become whoever you wish to be.
  3. Choose someone who makes you feel good about being you. Your role model should be someone who thinks it is all right to be unique, even if that means accepting some ridicule. They should always make you feel positive and good about being yourself.
         Many people have role models or people they look up to in their life. Whether it be a actress, super hero, sports star, or just someone you admire they inspire you and the decisions you make. For me, that person is my mom she is very beautiful, successful. Ever since I could remember she has been right beside me supporting any dream or goal I was trying to reach. When I am older I hope I could be there for my kids the way she is for me.

           My second role model is my best friend Afni. I chose her because she is close to me. She is someone I can connect with on a daily basis, and watch as she muddles through life’s daily tribulations with as much honor and respect as she can muster. Has she undergone incredible hardships in her life? No. Not really. But she lives through the politics of every day adult life trying to be honest with herself and with others, avoiding gossip and being generous with people. Every time she buys me dinner, or spends time with my young niece, I’m reminded that people can be generous and caring.

           Role models are important. Life can be hard, with money woes and illness dragging us down. People need tangible reminders of the fact that strength and honor can triumph in rough circumstance. They need to be aware that every day people can be generous and caring. And people need to know that they, themselves, are brave and strong.